Caught In A Whirlwind

I am overwhelmed and just down-right sick and tired.  And to be totally honest, if I knew my parents wouldn’t crucify me, I would highly consider failing my classes…on purpose!  Every time I turn around I have some kind of project due, scene to film, rehearsal to attend, the list goes on and on.  It’s like I can’t catch a break; it’s like God wanted to dump everything on me all at once.

What you just read are thoughts and feelings I’ve had over the past few weeks.  And if you were to walk up to me yesterday and ask how things were going, I would have unloaded a heap of “woe is me” complaints.  It wasn’t until this morning that I began to have a new outlook on things.

I was taking a break from studying for a midterm when I stumbled across an awesome blog, operated by one of my good buds, Jeremy Sheppard.  You Were To Glow Majestically…offers “bits of wisdom” picked up by Jeremy over the years and a recent post hit home.  Entitled, Barefoot, this post talks about Sheppard’s own struggle with feeling overwhelmed and then uses Scripture to calm his (and other’s) fears and doubts.

Here’s just a short excerpt from his post:

In Genesis God names the first man “Adam”.  The name Adam literally means “out of the dust” or “dirtman”.  This week I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I’m just that…dust.  Both feeling like all the efforts in my life are not good enough and in the end pointless…

Sheppard goes on to tell us about one of his friends speaking up with a comment that knocked him off his feet.  His friend said…“We can’t ever really be doing that bad, we’re going to heaven, right?”

Wow.  When I read that comment, “Wow” was the first word that popped into my mind.  It was exactly what I was needing to hear.  It’s so easy for us (especially myself) to get down in the dumps when things don’t go our way.  We surround ourselves with complaint on top of complaint, and we fail to see what is truly important…that God has a plan and that everything will be fine.  Even in the midst of the storm, when we’re caught in a whirlwind, we must hold fast to the God’s divine love.

When the dust settles, God is God and He has my best interest in mind.

Jeremy points out a verse in scripture that I believe fits perfectly with this.  1 Thessalonians 5:16 tells us to, “Always rejoice!”  I pray that in my own life, no matter how long the storm may rage, I may keep these two words in my mind and in my heart.  I seek to rejoice at every turn and move confidently toward the goal He has set forth for me.

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October 2010